Best PEO Service
Companies in Bangalore

By acting as your employees' co-employer, Talentskape - one of the best PEO Companies in Bangalore, frees you up to concentrate on managing and expanding your business without worrying about legal and statutory compliance. For startups and SMEs, we offer a variety of plans so that you can provide the best, most affordable benefits for your employees.

How will PEO benefit your business?

Our PEO service will enable your business to streamline many administrative HR functions, including payroll, benefits, compliance, and workers' compensation, and to give your employees access to better, more affordable benefits.

Previously, businesses had to delegate these HR responsibilities to their PEO. But thanks to our modern PEO outsourcing in Bangalore, companies can automate them and keep their most crucial data in-house while also using the time saved, advisory services, and improved benefits a PEO can offer.

What do we offer?

Complete Employee Lifecycle

Various stages in an employee's life cycle overlap with the core responsibilities of human resource management. From recruitment to off-boarding, we monitor your employee's lifecycle, offering them a consistent route for their career with your organization. Such breadth of services is rare among most PEO companies in Bangalore.

HR Solutions

Fostering a positive workplace culture is essential to your success. Our consultants have experience working with companies of all sizes, and we've developed tried-and-true best practices that we can use to your advantage right away. Our HR services cover the entire HR spectrum, from designing a program from scratch to streamlining your compliance procedures. Our objective is to provide significant results and establish ourselves as a reliable partner for many years, regardless of the level of service you require.

Payroll Operations

Payroll-related duties, such as paying wages and depositing employment taxes, are typically handled by us. Full-time and part-time employees and vendors, and contractors can be paid using our PEO payroll. You and your company will still be in charge of management and daily operations.

Lawsuit Protection

We offer thorough workers' compensation and help with risk management at work. Employers are typically shielded from having to defend personal injury claims made by their employees by providing workers' compensation insurance. Our risk management team assists with employee background checks and drug testing while providing safety manuals and training. Our ultimate objective is to help create a safe work environment, lower liability, and boost employee productivity.

Employee Taxation

We handle your yearly taxation filing and proper deduction of taxes from employees. We know how to manage state and national taxes. In addition, we provide online platforms for organizations to check their tax information anytime and anywhere.


Trying to navigate the health insurance market can be exhausting and time-consuming. Our PEO service is one way to simplify finding a health plan for your business. After you've signed your co-employment agreement, your employees will get access to the same health plan offered to all the businesses that have signed co-employment agreements with us. This means that your employees can access health plans that are usually too costly for most small or mid-sized businesses to offer.

Social Benefits and Administration

We offer a wide range of benefits, including health insurance, retirement benefits, vision coverage, dental coverage, etc., to the members of your organization. We believe it's important that your employees feel supported throughout their entire careers. Our team takes care of everything from handling member benefits to keeping track of payroll records and employee information.

Compliance assistance and assurance

As your business grows, so does the number of employees. The more employees - the greater your legal liability. Fines and penalties can be costly for your organization.

Our compliance and risk management team will guide you through the complexities of local, state, and federal employment laws. We know compliance, and we know the labor laws. You can depend on us to know exactly what you need to meet your legal and regulatory requirements as an employer.

Need-based and Steady Hiring

Establishing a subsidiary or branch office is not always the best course of action when hiring staff because it is frequently a drawn-out and expensive process. We can offer you a quicker and more efficient option, particularly when starting a business in a foreign nation. By law, we legally contract the employees on your behalf through our subsidiary. Therefore, it is our responsibility to ensure compliance. The workers can start working for your business in a few days.

Why choose Talentskape for PEO Services in Bangalore?

Global Outreach

With its international PEO and payroll solutions, Talentskape makes it simple to expand your company internationally or hire staff abroad. This guarantees complete adherence to regional tax and labor laws. Your company's international payroll and benefit distribution, employee onboarding, HR responsibilities, and legal and tax compliance are all managed by Talentskape's global PEO services. We ensure that businesses can quickly and legally enter new markets and maintain a single partner throughout their international expansion.

Reduce Risk

No company, not even the smallest, can run without risk. However, successful businesses operate with protections to minimize any potential negative effects of looming risks. Even if you have an internal HR team, working with us will provide a significant advantage in managing risk.


The most important thing a company can do is hire the best people. But when it comes to hiring, you have time constraints and limited resources. You need to know that your hire will be reliable, accurate, and efficient from day one. We ensure a full range of services for companies looking for employees with specific skill sets, which will be available for hire immediately and ready to go as soon as you are.

Lower Turnover Cost

High employee turnover costs money, but devoted workers are more likely to be those who enjoy their jobs, pay, and benefits. We can assist your business in offering more cost-effective services to your employees. Our PEO services will help your company lower the employee turnover rate and allow our executives to focus more on their core business. This will, in turn, make a substantial contribution to the growth of your business.

Best PEO


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Professional Employer Organization Companies are referred to as PEO. PEOs enable clients to cost-effectively outsource human resources management, employee benefits, payroll, and workers' compensation.

PEOs frequently act as professional employers for the staff of their clients. The administration of employee benefits, compensation and payroll, workers' compensation, and employment taxes are just a few of the human resource tasks that employers can outsource as a result. Depending on the PEO and the contract, a portion or all of the HR functions may also be outsourced. Companies that don't want to co-employ but still want some benefits of outsourcing can use PEO services.

International PEOs offer a way to hire people without setting up your own "company" there. It is also a means of cooperation between the employing company, an administrative company, and the employee about the administration of employment contracts in some nations. The terms agency employment, out-staffing, white-label, and co-employment are also used to describe this collaboration.

A PEO can have a lot of benefits, especially for small employers who might lack the depth of HR knowledge, system capabilities for tasks like payroll and HRIS, and the time and resources needed to concentrate on many transactional HR functions. A PEO can relieve the following HR-related burdens:

  • Benefits management
  • Hiring and recruiting
  • Payroll management
  • Administration of unemployment
  • Management of workers' compensation
  • Assistance with compliance
  • Programs for drug testing
  • Family and medical leave administration

A professional employer organization is not a staffing firm or an organization that outsources its human resources functions. A PEO manages various small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) tasks, including payroll, retirement planning, compliance, and employee benefits. Additionally, the client business might be able to provide a better overall package of benefits, luring in more qualified candidates. A PEO negotiates insurance coverage that covers both the PEO and the client company to secure workers' compensation coverage for its clients. Since the PEO is legally the employer of the employees at the client companies, this is permitted.